Business Partner


Meecable LogoMeecable Logo


MeeCable is a Swedish innovation company 

MeeCable holds a portfolio consisting of a number of patents. Among other things, a new innovation – an power cable that unites two worlds; copper and aluminum. Copper and aluminum have different advantages in electrical transmission. Our cable combines these with maintained efficiency but with lower weight. This gives the MeeCable cable the equivalent capacity of a copper cable of the same dimension.

In addition to weight advantages, our cable is also cheaper to produce and easier to handle during installation, transport and storage. As such it has both economic and practical advantages. Our cable is tested for EMC (electromagnetic compatibility), resistance value, and corrosion with a documented approved and good result.

MeeCables cable is fully developed and will be standardised, manufactured and commercialized in the next step. There are a few possible routes to market. Our main scenario is to open up the patent to enable standardization of the product and license the manufacturing to suitable cable manufacturers around the world.